Why YSK Group®?

We provide unique, customised commercial and technical solutions to our clients.

We are based in Istanbul a city of two continents bisected by the Bosphorus straits. Although the shipping vessels from all over the world passing through this waterway have experienced crews, they still seek specialist local pilots to guide the ships. The pilots know the local currents, peculiarities, and conditions of navigation as they pass through this appealing yet complex waterway still. Once they reach port, the vessels employ local agencies to handle all their local needs.

At YSK Group® we wish to operate as pilots and agencies for global businesses who wish to enter Turkish market or expand their operations in Turkey. We are a reliable port that you can trust as integrity and transparency are part of our indispensable corporate values.

Our team boasts undisputed commercial and technical experience, in the Mining and Metallurgy industries whilst our overall commercial expertise and knowledge of working in Turkish and neighbourhood markets ensures flawless project execution for our stakeholders. We value the personal touch, we know that in an increasingly automated world it is human connections that make all the difference. Our team is dedicated to getting to know our clients and their needs in order to deliver the outcomes they desire.

At YSK Group® we see ourselves as a creative, persuasive, collaborative, and an adaptive solution provider whose aim help its stakeholders to create added value and provide a competitive advantage.